Post without a Title…Is it? Decide for yourself!!

It’s been a while, NOT even a while when I re-think about my last post ….It’s been more than 6 months 🙂

It’s a lazy Sunday. Sun is at its peak with bright sunshine knocking on my windows pane and my curtains doing a twirl to point their presence, looking at me with pride & asking me to remember when I did hard bargain to buy them.. As I take a sneak peek through the curtains it’s a good visual of the park right in front and me sitting in the comfort of AC with India playing a Test Match which is looking promising for another win & I have nothing else bothering me, the day couldn’t get better…

But in amidst of all this, a thought has been swirling in my mind which in a way is both tantalizing & audaciously asking questions on the way, You and I give a blind eye to the garbage and in most cases Add on by throwing very efficiently while driving and shrug away our duty as citizens of the country by saying – If I don’t throw anything on the road will anything change? & it’s going to be remain like this all the time, nothing can be improved… such hypocrites we are!!!

I am calling today’s post as – Post without a Title… Not because I don’t have a title but because we all somewhere are active protagonist leading to the inception of this post. And somewhere we all need to decide it ourselves!!


Now the eminent question remains – What can one individual do? What if I don’t throw garbage outside while driving? What difference can it make? Others are still doing it…Right!!! Let me break this and share how I see and envision one small change by an Individual can result in slow but sure progress in right directions.

Let me start by an eloquent statement – Be the change you want to see in the world!!quote-be-the-change

I firmly believe that every small action that we take has an impact that can influence people around us in a good way.

The recipient can very well be our family, friends, colleagues and strangers that we even don’t know.

Let’s take a walk-through of our homes. To keep our home clean, we have a designated place to dispose garbage and we all follow more or less same process –

  1. Maids are responsible for the overall cleanliness of our homes.
  2. Our family then ensures that we don’t throw the garbage here and there, but where it is suppose to be i.e. Dustbins.
  3. If someone is feeling lazy they keep it close by and then dispose in the dustbins later.
  4. More or less we tag along the same process. There can be some misses here and there but eventually we ensure that we keep our homes clean.
  5. And then Maid comes the next day and we repeat the same process.

Now lets MAP the above stated steps to What we NORMALLY DO on Roads while driving/walking/running etc…

  1. Road cleaners are responsible for the overall cleanliness of the roads
  2. We as citizens are the family members who are NOT suppose to throw the garbage here and there, but where they are suppose to be i.e. Dustbins.
  3. Now we are always feeling either – “LAZY, Not Concerned, None of my Business, Why should I dispose the garbage in Dustbins, & the BEST ONE – There are NO Dustbins on the Road or Near by” .
  4. So what do we do – Throw the Waste any place deem fit. The Road cleaner will clean this. Its his JOB!! & NONE of my business.


  5. We reach back home or our destination & Repeat the same process again and again and again!!!

It’s not a rocket science to make it a point NOT to THROW anything on the Road.

Idea PicsWe should use the Dustbins on the road side if nearby. If not, we can always keep the wrappers of chewing gum/chocolates etc.. in our pockets and throw them ONLY when we find a dustbin.waste-pic-6

In case we have food waste that can’t be kept in the pocket, we can always carry a bag to collect the waste and throw them when near a dustbin.

I do this as all other essential part of my day-to-day life and believe me its NOT difficult at all. Its just getting yourself acquainted with a Habit!! Cribbing/Ignoring/Yelling will not be a solution.

If you start following and make it a habit of your daily life, you can Stop/Influence others around you. I for sure never encourage anyone and not let others throw waste on roads. We don’t need to fight but educating others can always be a choice.

We all are responsible for what we want our COUNTRY to be!!

Next Time before cribbing about the waste lying on the road  –

Think Are you also responsible for that Waste on the Road??

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